Tropical wallpaper with banana leaves and colorful parrots on a green background


Tropical wallpaper with banana leaves and colorful parrots on a green background, hand painted

A tropical wallpaper eispired by exotic nature. Large flowering banana plants become the ideal habitat for a colony of brightly colored parrots.  A hand-painted jungle composition capable of bringing the forest into any environment.

Tropical wallpaper with banana leaves and colorful parrots on a green background, hand paintedTropical dream - 01 Tropical wallpaper with banana leaves and colorful parrots on a blue background, hand paintedTropical dream - 02  Tropical wallpaper with banana leaves and colorful parrots on a purple backgroundTropical dream - 03  Tropical wallpaper with banana leaves and colorful parrots on a blue backgroundTropical dream - 04 
Other colors are available on request
Tropical wallpaper with banana leaves and colorful parrots on a green background, hand painted