Modern wallpaper, material texture in petrol blue, light blue and teal, covering an elegant living room


Modern wallpaper, peacock blue, light blue and teal color texture, hand painted, covering a living room

Wallpaper that plays on the shades of blue, alternating intense fields and colors veils that pass from petroleum blue to the color teal to the shades of grey. The aim is to create a changing surface, capable of rendering enviroments more sophisticated and modern.

Modern wallpaper, peacock blue, light blue and teal color texture, hand paintedCharme - 01 Modern wallpaper, pink and cyclamen color texture, hand paintedCharme - 02 Artistic modern wallpaper, material texture in petrol blue, light blue and tealCharme - 03 Modern hand-painted wallpaper, material texture in pink and violetCharme - 04
Modern wallpaper, peacock blue, light blue and teal color texture, hand painted